While students are gearing up for the end of the semester and finals, Career Services has resources for the remainder of the fall and is gearing up for the Interim and spring semesters!

Counselor on Call/Quick Questions/Candy & Career Chats

When students need our advice on the fly or have a last minute deadline, we have options!

  • Counselor on Call: Students can chat with a career counselor without an appointment on Tuesdays 11:30am to 1:30pm and Fridays 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
  • Quick Questions: Each Gateway counselor has time each week to meet with their students for a few minutes without an appointment. Students should contact the office for days & times.
  • Candy & Career Chats: We set-up shop in Farinon each Monday afternoon from 3:00pm to 4:00pm to answer career questions…and we bring candy!

Senior Recruiting Packet

Just for Lafayette College seniors, our Recruiting Packet includes job search resources.

Career Closet

We have professional attire for students to borrow for interviews to help them feel confident and make a good first impression. They may stop in anytime during business hours to browse.

January Networking Nights

Our two January Networking Nights, one in New York and one in Philadelphia, are a wonderful way for students from ALL class years and majors to meet and talk with alumni from a variety of career industries. Students have the opportunity to ask questions, gain career insights, and make valuable Lafayette connections.

Philadelphia, Thursday, January 11

New York, Thursday, January 18

Program for each city:

6–7 pm: Optional Prep Session: “Tips to Enhance Your Networking Confidence”

7–9 pm: Alumni and Student Networking & Reception

Business attire is required and transportation will be the responsibility of the student. Registration will be online and students will need to submit a refundable $20 deposit in the Career Services office before they leave campus after finals. Links available soon in the Announcements section on the Career Services website.

Summer Funding Resources

Through the generosity of Lafayette alumni & parents, Career Services has funds available to support students doing unpaid, underpaid, or high-cost summer internships. Applications become available early in February, so it’s advantageous for your student to use time during the Interim break to begin thinking about applying.

  • Stipends of $1,000 to $3,000 are awarded annually. Students do not need to have an internship secured in order to apply! The Robert Beane ’58 Intern Scholar Program awards $4,000 to successful applicants and pairs them with a mentor in their general area of interest. Beane applicants must have an internship secured to apply (if not selected, they’re then considered for a Stipend.)

All details will be widely marketed to students across all our platforms, to ensure awareness of timelines, eligibility, and application instructions.

Call Career Services anytime during office hours if you have questions…we value your support!

610-330-5115 | careers@lafayette.edu | http://careerservices.lafayette.edu/


Follow us on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LafColCareerServices/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LafCareerSvcs

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lafayettecollegecareers/