Commencement Dates

May 21, 2016             May 19, 2018

May 20, 2017             May 25, 2019


Webchat with President Byerly

President Alison Byerly discussed the new strategic direction for the College that was recently announced and other topics of interest to alumni, parents, and friends in a live, one-hour webchat on March 15.


Watch your inbox for POINT email messages filled with timely information for parents. Be sure you don’t miss the POINT!


Mélange Yearbook

The Mélange yearbook staff has an arrangement with the Smart Pay program to handle all yearbook marketing and sales. All students and parents can order yearbooks through Smart Pay. Copies will only be printed to fulfill orders received. Senior parents may also honor their soon-to-be graduate with a customized Senior Tribute ad. Both the ad and the yearbook can be purchased until May 31, 2016. All purchased yearbooks will be mailed directly to the home address on record. Visit or call 1-800-853-1337 for details or to place an order.


Lafayette Activities Forum

Ever wonder who is behind all of the great programs and activities brought to Lafayette’s campus? The Lafayette Activities Forum (LAF) is the student programming organization that serves the Lafayette community by providing a variety of educational, recreational, cultural and social events. Board members learn valuable skills including event and budget management, marketing and outreach, teamwork, and consensus building. From Fall Fest and Spring Concert, to big name comedians, Stuff-A-Plush, and trips to New York City, LAF works to help enhance the Lafayette experience.


Alumni Sponsored Events Open to Parents

Parents are welcome to attend Lafayette regional events sponsored by Alumni Chapters in their area to meet alumni and other parents and take advantage of the chapter’s programming including faculty presentations and cultural, social and athletic events. Watch your email for invitations to events in your area.


What’s an LCAT?

The Lafayette College Area Transportation (LCAT) program is the free, campus shuttle bus service provided by the College. The LCAT shuttle provides students with safe and reliable transportation connecting the main campus with the College’s athletic fields, downtown Easton, shopping areas, movie theaters, primary off-campus student parking areas, and transportation to the Lehigh Valley International Airport in Allentown. The schedule is online at


Visit the Parent Website at