Is your son or daughter taking advantage of campus happenings? Now that students have been in school for several months, it’s time to take stock of their level of campus involvement.

Do you get the sense that your student is taking advantage of all that college life has to offer? From academic to social to artistic to athletic, there is plenty to choose from! You can gauge your student’s level of involvement on campus by asking the following questions:

  • What are the some of the events that have been happening on campus lately?
  • What kinds of events are being sponsored in your residence hall?
  • Are there any major speakers or performances visiting the campus this semester?
  • How are the athletic teams doing?
  • Where are your favorite places to hang out on campus?
  • Have you done anything fun in the last week?
  • What kinds of events are going on in the local community?
  • What’s the best way to find out about campus happenings?

Participating in things outside of classes will enrich your student intellectually, physically and spiritually. You can encourage your student to peruse the campus website and newspaper, read campus flyers, attend residence hall events, and enjoy performances and lectures on campus. College is all about trying new things. Your student needs to get out there and explore in order to reap the benefits.

Research shows that students who engage in campus happenings, whether joining an organization or attending campus events, often feel more a part of their school. They also learn time management which can lead to increased academic success. So, instead of warning your student away from some out-of-class involvements, consider encouraging him or her to balance academics with some campus groups and events. Your student’s sense of belonging—and grades—will likely benefit!