Lafayette strives to support all of our students, including the trailblazers who are among the first generation in their families to pursue a four-year college degree. As part of this effort, the Office of Advising and Co-Curricular Programs has been working with over 70 faculty and staff who have also self-identified as first-gen, and who are committed to offering their time and guidance as part of our brand new First-Generation Mentoring Program.

First-Gen mentors help students become more connected to the college, while building a sense of community and support among the entire first-generation campus population. Through 1:1 relationships, mentors support students by:

  • sharing their own similar experiences
  • providing perspective on personal and professional growth through a first-gen lens
  • helping students set goals and build networks
  • navigate challenges
  • celebrate successes

Several weeks ago, a message was sent to all first-years, sophomores, and juniors who have self-identified as first-generation. Close to 30 mentor-mentee pairings have already occurred, and we have many other first-gen faculty and staff who are prepared and enthusiastic about mentoring. Please help us spread the word. Joining is simple! The student just takes a moment to complete the mentor request form (linked below), and they will be paired with a first-generation faculty or staff mentor and will receive additional information.

If YOU have an eligible First-Gen student on campus, encourage them to apply!

Learn more about Lafayette’s First-Generation Student Support here!